Andy Baryer - Handy Andy Media
Andy Baryer - Handy Andy Media
DIY Tech Guy

Global TV News: Tech predictions for the next decade

05.01.20 11:18 PM Comment(s) By Andy Baryer - DIY Tech Guy

Global TV News: Tech predictions for the next decade

I don't always make predictions but since we are entering a new decade, I thought I would make some. I went on GlobalBC Morning News to tell the world what I think is going to happen in the world of tech. 

Tech trends and predictions for the next decade

              1. Prediction: By 2025, one in 50 households in affluent markets owns a domestic robot

2. Prediction: Autonomous Cargo trains, ships, and aircraft will be introduced by 2025

3. Prediction: AI referee introduced in a major sporting event by 2022

4. Prediction: “Deep fake” detection technology emerges by 2021 after US Presidential elections

Andy Baryer - DIY Tech Guy

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