Building a Community Vegetable Garden from Upcycling - Pallet wood & concrete bricks

30.03.21 03:10 AM - Comment(s) - By Andy Baryer

Building a Community Vegetable Garden from Upcycling

Watch as Andy builds a community vegetable garden using material left over from a house fire next door. First, he builds two 4'x4' raised garden beds with trellises from pallet wood. Next using discarded concrete bricks from the old house chimney, he builds raised garden beds. Then he builds two more trellises with a plan to create a 'green wall' full of peas, and beans.

I was cleaning my gutters today after a big wind storm and took this photo of my vegetable garden from up above.

Here's a quick tour inside my hobby greenhouse

Just had a big windstorm so I had to make repairs to the greenhouse using Gorilla Tape Crystal Clear tape. This stuff is amazing!

My neighbour gave me permission to trim some trees on their property to allow more sunlight in their yard. Instead of using a chainsaw, I show an easier tool to use to cut off branches.

Here's an extended version where I take the branches to the Transfer station. Btw, they now charge you for green waste, $20!

Here's the indoor vertical garden I made using LED lights. This allows for indoor growing all year. I use it to get a head start on the garden season.

I'm building a little free library to install in front of my house. All that it needs is a door. Just need to find some plexiglass and then I will build it.

I formally asked the City of Surrey if I could install the Little Free Library on the boulevard in front of my house but they said no. Here's where I wanted to install it. 

Here's the latest update on the community vegetable garden

Andy Baryer

Andy Baryer

Technology and Digital Lifestyle Editor HandyAndy Media
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